I study social work, and actually I have to read a lot of texts and
books, and because of pandemics evaluations are done at home. About the curriculum,
the first subjects I have to study are related to social sciences, these are
made as an introduction for the career; which is the basic cycle. The specialized
cycle starts at third year, in which I can study and specialize on subjects and
investigations about different issues. And the last one is the professional
cycle and sadly I’m not sure how the last subjects are, but I think that are
more investigations.
In my opinion, teaching methods should change a little bit, because during pandemics I feel that I couldn’t learn all the stuff I should learn, I’m not saying that everything must change, it’s more like teaching more stuff that can be complemented with theories, such as learning how to use programs or practice. Also, I would like that the study program includes more authors from Latin-American. There are tools in the Faculty that can complement studies such as a library because books can be useful for researches; also, a computer room access could be necessary because students can learn how to use excel or use statistics programs for investigations or more stuff. I can’t say more because I went to the Faculty once because of some doubts about scholarships, and I couldn’t go to other places.
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